Saturday, June 1, 2013

First Rooftop Tomatoes Emerge: Stupice

 May 31, 2013
If you're a regular reader you know the tomato Stupice is not only a reliable early fruiter in Chicago, but also a trouper that's hung in (quite literally) and produced well through one of our worst tomato summers. Remarkably, it performed just as nicely in 2009, one of the coolest and dampest summers in recent memory.

As always, thanks to Russ, one of our original GRGers, who gave us the seeds for this early and weather-flexible tomat. I wouldn't be without it. Bruce and we started these from seed and I planted on the roof May 7, 2013, in a 5-gal SIP.

(Solanum lycopersicum) One of four tomato varieties sent to the U.S. from the former Czechoslovakia by Milan Sodomka. Compact plants with potato leaf foliage loaded with clusters of 2” fruits. Quite early, great flavor. Heavy yields all season. Produces well in northern climates. Indeterminate, 55-70 days from transplant.

Stupice growing on our roof in 2012, the hottest overall summer on record in Chi.

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